
Welcome to Elder Britten Deakins Blog! This blog will follow him as he seves the Lord the next 2 years. His sister Cambria is the editor and is doing this for her young women project. We hope you will enjoy keeping up with Britten as he begins his Brazillian Viagem (journey). Any questions or comments you can can write his mom, Tami at!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

September 27, 2011

Family! How goes it this week. It was pretty good other then pretty unproductive and got some sort of stomach disease so that's fun haha. It's not really bad, but it's just constantly upset and like every 6 seconds feels like somebody is putting two fingers under my ribs. It's different. We called Sister Klein (the medical advisor, wife of President) That's her job, but she really has no idea what it is so we got some medicine and I think it's getting better. It's no longer "poking" today, it's just upset. But then this week we had a little "contest" haha more a wager but we don't gamble haha. So DaCunha & Peris (the zone leader, comp of Garrett) needed to go do an interview in Bairro Da Paz. So we did divisions for the day and me and Elder Garrett were in his area. So the night before we decided that we would have a contest on who could do the most contacts, and the rules were 1 contact = 1 point, 1 new investigator (teach a point of the lesson and mark another day to returen) = 5 points. So me and Garrett started out the day going to the "city center". It's different because its a corporation that does it and the city pays them, but we went there to get the wedding certificate of Beto & Lucia, our wedding we had a few weeks ago. But after that we decided to go make our way to lunch doing contacts. We did a few and found some really nice people. I really felt my portugues just come out, not fluently well, but ok. Well then our lunch fell through so we decided to head to walk back towards home doing more but then President Sandro of Pedro Pintada bought us lunch at this restaurante. It was good but after that we walked a little bit and realized it was impossible to do more at that time because nobody was in the road and everyone that was home was either sleeping or eating. So we decided to go wait a little while in the house because if we just walked around in the sun we would die haha. But then we went back to work and found a man that really wanted the pamphlet of the restoration. We use them when we make contacts, but he offered to buy it and I said no, it's free. He said "oh, I'll read all of it and you guys come back really soon"! It was cool. Contacts aren't the best cuz they hardly ever work, but it was fun to do them that day and who knows what could happen. But then at night we got back and waited for DaCunha to return. We had 25 contacts and 7 news for a total of 60 points and they had 15 contacts with 9 news for a total of ? 60 ha ha tie! How funny huh! That's what we get for making a bet out of it haha. I laughed. So we all bought pizza (thats what the loser had to buy for the winner) and it was a pretty fun day. But then Saturday we had our baptism of Riane. She's a reference of our marriage investigator Lucia. It was good. But right now everyone is playing soccer. I am not because of my stomach, but Da Cunha gets so upset playing it's funny. Soccer was huge to him. He was like a leader of his areas torceira (soccer fan club) He has some crazy stories! I don't know if I explained about the manual I'm using to study with, but I'm studying the New Testament right now with a manual called "The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ and his Apostles. It's orange. But this book is very cool and has special passages and understandings of parables. I love it. I recommend any one that is wanting to learn more about the life of Jesus to use it! I say use it cuz you still study the scriptures just read this too! Our baptism Saturday was cool. She was a reference of Lucia (our marriage) which is cool because our investigator is doing missionary work! By the time you get this I'll already have had transfere so thats what the whole big problem is! It's the mail system. Not for me to receive nor for me to send, the problem begins after I leave the Post Office and they play with the letter for 6 weeks. I have no idea what the problem is but know that I am writing even though all the other missionaries say just write e mails. I say no. My family and Shay wants letters so I will write! Now the problem is in Correios stupid "runners", that the translation. So whats new with you guys? My ore isn't done yet. We need to start putting more pressure on him to get it done before transfers cuz one of us will leave (but your reading it after so one of us left! :) Well I think thats all for this week. I'll save the rest for message to dad and spiritual message. I think I forgot last week! Spiritual Message: It's in Rev 1:19 and says about the importance of keeping a journal because while I'm out here you expect me to write to be able to look back and tell you guys stories, but I will have also missed out on life there so we all need to keep a journal! Alright? Mersagem Pelo Pai! Oi Pai Como vi? Esta semana passade fui muito legal nos trabalhamos de mais (muito eu nao sei se voce teve aqiela palaura quando voce fui aqoi?) Eu stou muito feliz que seu trabalho sta recebando mais trabalho e orqo por voce muito! Todo mundo asha que e muito legal que eu stov servindo in brasil e que meo pai tambem eu gosto vestindo em sua grauata que e muito welho e sua oltra que e feio de mais. Ums vezes e muito deficil ser aqui mas eu amo a lebra e stou muito grateis pelo aportunidade servir e senhor. (Mom note: I am sure there are many misspelled words as I have a hard time deciphering portuguese, so forgive) But thats all for this week. I Love You all!
Tchau! Elder Deakiin

Thursday, December 15, 2011

September 22, 2011

Family! Hey how goes it today? Or this week(s) I should say. It sounds like you get mail now so that's good to hear that my time, papers, $2.20 a letter isn't just going down the drain! So the moon really is different here! Oh this week was the week for Manaus so I will first respond to those letters and package and then tell about my week! I only received two letters from 2010 so I don't know what happened with the others, but I didn't receive. But it's all good. I get letters now once and awhile. I wish more but oh well! It sounds like the fair went good! I would love to hear from Cambria about how dancing and tennis is going but the post office must of lost her letters cuz I haven't gotten one from her in months! Or Chandlie! We haven't got our roof fixed because the owner of this place doesn't care. Health and standard codes don't exist. But I haven't had another night like that. (mom note: he got rained on while in bed and had to sleep in his raincoat) I don't know why but I can't sleep good! I wake up 3-4 times a night then every 4th night I just crash! That's good you guys finally figured out how to do the garden thing! Here any seed that falls on the ground will grow! We ate a few things crazy (not crazy crazy but didn't have in United States) like suco purui and magazod. It's like sweet macaroni and cheese. It was pretty good! That's so cool that Kayson is starting to talk more and more! I can't wait to hear him on Christmas. I hope you've been practicing my name! (Kayson calls him B) I loved your scripture about be united, one cause one heart...and be determined. I really like that! So that was the first letter and now for the second. It's good to hear that at least someone is enjoying my nice big bed. The beds here are bad but at least I got one without a footboard, otherwise it would be even more miserable haha. So you guys keep talking about this new house. When will I get photos or even hear about it from Chandlie. The last thing I heard from her was they were looking for one! Sounds like Cambria is doing good in school again and back to having fun! Just remember good grades are really important but having fun and making memories is a really important part too! Everyone here in Brasil was talking about September 11, also asking where I was if I cried, if I knew anyone that was there. They are really careful and respectful when talking to me about it. It was an event that changed America, but no one in the world will forget! It sounds like your Youth Council is taking off again. That's good. You guys can really make a difference in Garland! About movies and stuff we actually received portable dvd players. Every dubble in the mission has one, so they are to watch church films and things. So you can send good church films that come out or are out like the Work & the Glory, Churchball, things like that. I write in my journal almost every night and when I don't at night I do first thing in the morning, just to get everything down for a hard copy of memories.
Come more time of transferes I will get more names of the members , the ones that mean alot are already written. So story time. You know that wedding of Beto a inactive member living with Lucia, a non member and we taught, married and baptized her? Well last Sunday Beto received the Melchizedek Priesthood! It's so cool to see them and Lucia is begging to get on the list to feed us and it's sad cuz they are really poor! But the whole experience is really special. She even talks alot about one day getting sealed! That would be so cool for them! Alright and now for the story of the month/mission so far ha. So these last few months we have been trying to teach this girl named Rafeala and we baptized her neice. She's 14. Her neice is 18 ha. So we've taught her but she doesn't want anything to do with the church. Then she started having seizures so they took her to Manaus to be tested! Nothing. Then this last week they said she has them alot and is seeing things. Then Saturday or Friday Elder Da Cunha & Peris (comp of Garrett) went to give her a blessing and me and Garrett went to tell our interview for baptism they would be late and one hour later they came back and said they had an experience with spirits! That Rafeala was possessed and once they got her done the man and brother started feeling something trying to take them, so, from this story I believed. Then yesterday we received a phone call in the morning saying it's happening again so we hurried and got dressed and ran there, but it had stopped so we just gave a blessing and marked a time to return there. Then after lunch at Nora Nuys we stopped by there and she was starting to have a possession so Da Cunha and I gave a blessing, still was convinced but I hadn't seen, then we left and 10 min. later they called us to return so we ran back. We had 2 guys holding her down while we gave her a blessing. She stopped and Elder DaCunha was convinced without doubt it was a spirit but I wasn't. I talked to Da Cunha about my feelings and he thought I was crazy for not believeing. I wanted to but a voice inside me kept saying no it's medical. But I couldn't convince myself it was a spirit or Da Cunha it was medical. But then we had a meeting. The city of Itacoatiara was recognizing 20 years of the Church established in Itacoatiara. Kinda strange but they asked us missionaries to sing the mission hymn and President asked if I could. I had played it through once! I said let me try and I did, so I played for that! But back to the story, we asked President if he could come help and he got there and just calmly talked, gave her a small blessing and then we all left the room and he marked a baptism day this Saturday ha! He's good! Oh then the story of Conference. So I was sittiing there kind of zoning off ha and I heard President Klein say my name. I looked. He said stand up (we were in the very back to set up chairs) then I didn't move because I couldn't believe what was happening and he said come here. So I walked from the very back to the front of 505 people and President started saying how great my language is and how impressed he is with how I'm working! Then he said tell them a little about your joy here in Itacoatiara. So in front of everyone I talked about my appreciation and love for the members and everyone said it was very good portuguese. Some after thought I was from Brasil ha! It was crazy and I was the only new missionary he did that with so I was proud haha. But I think that's about it. I ordered my ore with Moroni praying with the plates. I think it will be really neat! But I think that's it for the week. Kinda a big week! Oh this also was the week of Manaus. We left at 1 a.m. - 5 a.m. bus 8-12:00 meeting 12:00-1:00 eat 1:00-3:00 talk with other missionaries 3:00-4:00 doctors and McDonalds 4:00-5:00 wait to leave 5:00-9:00 bus to Itacoatiara 9:00-10:00 eat a hamburger or x burger they call it here ha. But that's all folks! I Love you lots WRITE!!!! Eu amo voces! Elder Deakin
This message is in St. Luke 10:40-42 and we need to be carefull in what work we are getting caught up in. We are always busy and we have the things of this world we need to do, but we need to be careful to not be so busy we can't do the more important work! Love you all!

September 13, 2011

Family! How goes it this week. Sorry again for not getting that letter sent last week, it's right here with this one. We just didn't have time to go to the mail. That's awesome Ross Summers got married. It sounds like all of Garland Valley is getting married haha. That's crazy the church is starting to plan for lock downs! They must know something that could happen in the future! Or just being prepared! They said the last Mission President talked really good and was nice. I love President Klein. He is way cool. I decided I don't want a motorcycle. I've seen so many wrecks here. They are awesome and I will ride the ones we have in the mountain but I want a car. When I arrived here I knew nothing about the mission, but now I know alot and know how it works and how the mission really is and I've realized I love it even more now than the idea I had before. So you know that trip to fingernail painting (mom note: it was actually pedicures) I've read the story several times. ha It's funny every letter I got told about it! That's awesome you fixed lunch for the missionaries and made things that they probably haven't had all the time. Here is watermelon season so practically every meal we eat watermelon! It's good but not as sweet as there, I don't think. But oh man we have a Sister here Nora Ney. She is our absolute favorite lunch! She makes meat, lasagna, salad of this fruit and then either asai juice or cashew. I love her cashew juice. It's so good. We have lunch there tomorrow. I'm excited. All the lunches though are pretty good. We don't have one that we stress about going to. So the photo plan that I came up with is as follows: I will take photos until my card is full then I will copy and burn those photos to a cd then I will send that memory card to you in a normal letter, then you copy and erase all the photos on the card and send it back to me. Then I will keep all the cd's with me and start over. Sounds good? Because e mail here is bad! We went and talked to the guy about ore's. It's going to be awesome. He is going to make it of the foto of Moroni praying and placing the plates in the hole. I think it will be cool. I hope he finishes in time. So one more time I will write Happy Birthday Jeremy and Anniversay Mom and Dad! I had so many people talk to me about September 11 here. It was an event that changed the world. I really felt sincerity when they talked about it. It was neat. But I think thats all for this week. Enjoy the photos that are taped in the planner! I Love You all! Elder Deakin
So I started a few weeks back studying the New Testament with a manual called The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ and His Apostles. I Love it so much. It has opened my eyes up to so many things, but that is why my messages are from the Bible. Matt. 10:28 In this world there are many things that can hurt us, bikes, motorcycle wrecks, many things that can hurt our bodies, but Jesus doesn't warn us to be careful of these things for bodies can heal. Instead beware those that can kill the soul. The soul doesn't recover as easy. We need to be aware of spiritual blades that can cut and scar our soul leaving us "spotted" in the world.

September 5, 2011

Family, Hey how goes it this week. Everything is great here! So remember last week how that Elder left and his comp got transferred to another branch here in Itacoatiara, well this week was transfers and after packing up all his things and moving there he was only there for a week and now hes back, but I'm excited cuz he likes to go see things with me. So I really like my comp. He's realy good and helps me the best with my language. He doesn't always correct me if I'm really close like alot of the other Elders do. I fee like my language is good. I can talk really well with practically anything. It's tough at times but I get my point across. Today we don't have a lunch because there is some activity so they gave us money. It's nice. We can stay and study or go out and eat. It doesn't happen alot but when it does we usually eat hamburger and pocket the rest of the money. This last Saturday we had the wedding of Beto & Lucia. It was amazing. The members did everything. This couple is really poor. Their house is a wood shack as is alot of houses in our area, but it was awesome. It almost didn't happen because she wanted more (it was a moment of selfishness) but we convinced her how everyone helped her and how much everyone had done to help already. She was thankful. Then right after I got to baptize her. A wedding and a baptism in 1 day. It was a big day for that family and us. Also there was a party called facanni. It was apparantly really big! Had concerts and things to buy. I got a jersy. It's awesome. It has my name (last) air brushed on the back. With the arrival of the other Elders we got letters. I received 1 from Holly, 1 Grandma Deakin. (I cant ever tell who writes that one cuz it has so many different points of views), but 1 mom 1 Dusty. It was really good to hear from you all! But I will run this to the correios thau I Love You! Elder Deakin
I almost forgot the message! I hope you like them. Alright this message is two quotes
1. "It is not where you are but the direction in which you are going. Not how close to failure or success, but which way you are headed". I really like that because somebody could be right next to success but headed for failure.
2. Happiness comes from without and is dependant on circumstances, blessedness is an inward fountain of joy in the soul itself which no outward circumstance could seriously affect". This one is cool because he describes we don't want happiness in our life we want blessedness and with this comes happiness! I Love You all Tchau!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

September 26, 2011 (written 8/28/11)

Family Hey hows it going this week? Great here. I received mail this week so that's really fun! Sounds like you all are staying really busy way up there on the other side of the hemisphere! So to start off I will write concerning your emails/letters. In your e mail you said I need to work on my spelling for baptism because I might have to write it down here. Funny thing is down here they speak portuguese so baPtism isn't even a word :) it's batismo ha. So I got a pretty good laugh at that! :) (mom note: he always spells it with a b and it drives me nuts but I am getting used to it now, I always correct it in these letters) (someday) About Northern Furniture I think you guys should move it next door too. I really think it could help the business alot! I don't really struggle with homesickness anymore. I miss you all alot but I know this is what I need to be doing and we are having alot of success so I need to just be happy! :) I love getting letters here. Its way funny. I received one from you guys that talks about setting up for the pageant then the next one talks about who won. So I get all the info in 1/4 the time haha. But tell me more about Clays mom in the monster truck. She jumped it and stuff or what? Next topic is food! For breakfast bread egg sandwich every morning, but this time I will try cereal, see if I can budget my money to start having that. But then for lunch we have rice, spaghetti noodles, sometimes with cheese and way better then usually a beef or chicken, but the other day we were really liking the beef and asked what it was Deer! So that was cool and new but yeah I haven't eaten nearly as much fruit as you would think, but the ones I have is acai, graviola, cupoasu, bananas. I ate a huge one. I will send fotos. It tasted like celery, inga, tomatoes, potatos, carrots, celery. So really not anything too crazy. But then for dinner bread egg sandwich again, but these last few nights we have been getting pizza froom this really rich member. Oh we also drink terere, it's lime juice drank through some stuff. It's way good! It's healthy for you too! Cleans your colon or something like that haha. Our investigators are awesome. We have 7 babtisms (he hasn't fixed it yet haha) for the next 5 weeks! Our investigator Lucia who will get married this Saturday (Oct 3) is helping find people and talking to alot. She is really helpful. One person she told us about we marked a date for babtism the first lesson! It was awesome. We are so blessed! We only have 1 man/family that we are teaching but men are so hard to find here! Nobody is here cuz there isn't any work. They all work in Manaus! But it's really cool. We started doing divisions this week so thats cool because I go with Fabiano, the guy you have talked to. Like I said we are working 2 areas right now. Itocoutiara (normal) & Pedra Pintada (new). Why do we have a new area 1 1/2 before the transfer? Because one of the missionaries that was here was "emergency transferred". President is cleaning the mission I guess. So now were alone in this house with 2 areas until next Tuesday (the next tansfer) It's cool, we pick the better of the two lunches and it's fun to know the other ward! They have really nice people. We even have a babtism Tuesday there! But when he left he left 1 hamick and a brasilian jersy so I got them both. The hamick is way nice to have here. So funny story I was on divisions with Fabiano and we contacted a reference and after I ran into a investigator and the Bishops daughter. They asked where DaCunha was and I said "nos estamos trabalhardo em dois Ramoms agora e ele esta em Ramo...Pinto? I forgot the name of the ward and that sentance translated to "were working in 2 areas and he is in...pinto is not too good of word. They were laughing so hard I was so embarrassed! But there is your laugh for the week. Spiritual message! This week I started studying the 4 gospels with a manual called The Life and Teachings of Jesus Christ and his Apostles. It's so cool. I really look forward to my study time. It's so interesting. This next week I will take better notes on where I learned it but these are some cool points. -Emanual means God is with us. -Because of Mary, Jesus was a rightful heir to David's throne. -Joseph & Mary were cousins. -When the three wisemen went to Jesus he wasn't in the stable and wasn't a baby anymore. -John the baptist is 7 months older than Jesus. -While Herod was killing all kids 2 and under John the baptist was in the same city and his mom took him to the woods and his dad was killed because he wouldn't say where he was. -Jesus was tempted more than we would be able to live through. -God taught Jesus everything because if man did it would be corrupt. -This is my favorite. Remember when the Holy Ghost entered Jesus Christ he descended in the form of a dove. Really he descended in the form of man because that is what he is he can't change, but his descent was dove like! That's all for this week. I Love You all most! Tchau! Elder Deakin send more letters!!

September 9, 2011 (written 8?23/11)

Familia! Oi tudo bem? So how is everything going this week. I don't know what week it is for you cause this mail system is a joke. But how is it all? I think it's the week before school starts for Cambria & Tyrell! That exciting. When you get this I think you will be back from Park City! That's exciting. How was that? It's weird to talk about things in the future like they already happened. So this week was pretty good. Somehow I caught a cold in this heat so that wasn't very fun, but the week went by really quick so that's good. We have 5 baptism days set up for the next 4 weeks! We have been so blessed with amazing investigators. Our baptism Saturday fell through/kinda. I baptized him but his hand didn't go under, but water entered his mouth and he would not do it again. So that's a kinda crazy experience. We spent one hour talking with him but couldn't do it and I didn't want to force him like his mom was doing saying after this you can ride your bike. So he didn't really have a testimony. So for me I think it's better later on . He can get a testimony and try again. His mom wants the gospel so bad but her husband won't let her so thats sad. Then yesterday a man's wife in our branch died so we spent the last two days doing that. They bury them the very next day isn't that so crazy! Also they just put chairs around the room and the body in a casket with glass above the face, in the middle of the room! Weird. One of the sons got really upset and fell to the floor crying. He was 30. But it was way sad. The saddest thing out here is funerals. But this week we have our "wedding" kinda. They will enter this week and have the ceremony later. It's weird but awesome! The spiritual message for this letter is in D&C 63:7-10 and some people believe that they can only have faith or only join our religion after a great sign, even I out here a few weeks ago struggled with my testimony because I haven't had a grand sign to confirm it, but in the scriptures 2 Nefi (Nephi) 28:30 it says God works line upon line, precept upon precept. I don't need a grand sign I just need to believe in the little things and I do know that this Church is true because of these lines upon lines. So this week I saw the one motorcycle wreck with the ball I told you about in e mail. I woke up and heard screaming, I walked out to our porch right there was a wreck with alcohol and our Districts Presidents son was in a wreck. I saw his sores. Needless to say I no longer want a bike, only a car, safe car ha with 4 wheels for reassurance! So how is Chrys doing with her health? Also tell me more about Jared and Mickells wedding. How did that even come to be I didn't know they had/were friends and your story about your experience at the dentist mom is way funny haha. It made me laugh! (mom wasn't laughing) It's really good to hear that you guys (grandma) is still including Shay in things. Those memories will be good for her on her mission. I hope she is doing lots with Holly too. Way to feed the missionaries. Did you make snacks and treat them good? :) I'm so excited to hear what Elder Scott talked about. Also send me a copy of dads talk if you could. What's Jeremy doing in Idaho? Is that where he got a job? Close to what city? I hope you have a blast at the fair and Park City and all the other things you will do before this letter reaches you ha. I love how dad gives me the update on Boston. The other American Elder here loves Boston too ha. So that's fun. I want a letter from Cambria telling about tennis. Just work hard but HAVE FUN that's the key!! I love you all have a wonderful week. Tchau Elder Deakin Alright so my comp decided to write a letter too so quickly I will write a few more things. Last night we ate at a pizza joint and there was two sets of Americans there. We didn't dare talk to them because they were doing business stuff but it was weird to hear good english again haha. So I will explain a normal day in the life of Elder Deakin 6:30 Wake up, sit out on the porch until Elder DaCunha get up. 6:50 Running (I love to run it gets the blood going) 7:30 Eat breakfast, shower & start laundry (where I take two showers a day I do alot of laundry!) 8:30 Study D&C 9:00 Study Book of Mormon 9:30 Study Bible (New
Testament) 10:00 Companion study where we update to area book (I do, he didn't like to but he wants to use it more now that he sees the benefits) 11:00 Get ready for lunch and walk to the area 12:00 Lunch with a member (rice, beans, noodles, chicken, juice if were lucky, pop (guarana) Oh man I'm good with a fork & knife ha just like dad! (mom note: I have tried to break dad of that Brazilian habit. Now I have two of them, oh no ) 1:00 Language study. I help Elder DaCunha with english and vice versa. He wants to be a pilot so he has to have good english. Then for the rest of the day lessons and other things. Baptisms on Saturday night, Church on Sunday. That's a day in the life haha. But I think that's it for this week! I love you all.

September 6, 2011 written 8/18/11

Family, Just a quick note because my comp is writing a letter to his family so I decided I would hurry and write one too. So this week was awesome. I hated the first of it I was so so so!!! homesick but after receiving a blessing from Elder Da Cunha I felt a lot better. It's still really hard but I know this is where I'm supposed to be and I really do love it out here. So last Saturday I had the opportunity of giving my first baptism. It was an amazingly spiritualy experience. I felt so happy afterwards, kinda like I was being cleaned too ya know? It was amazing! And we have 5 dates marked for the next 4 weeks crazy huh!! I don't know why I struggle so much I'm so blessed!! I still have the craziest desires, ha I want to go to yellowstone and family. I don't know, I think its/well I know its I just want to go somewhere with you all. This would be alot easier if I could talk with you all and share the experiences and you could be here and witness it with me! But I'm being blessed. So how is life in Garland. How is everyones health? I have a stupid cold so thats not very fun! I don't know how I caught a cold when it's never below 80 ha. This next week is Zone Conference so I will have the opportunity to bear my testimony to my zone/district, all 8 of us. Thats when I wish I was in the City to get to know other Elders more! Then I would have more people to talk to, more friends and all that. So this letter will probably take forever to get to you. I don't understand why U.S. can send a letter 2 weeks but Brazil takes months! Why is it not the same distance? Does Brazil not know a shortcut? I don't know, it's stupid you guys aren't getting letters. I really hope you start soon! I love you all take care Tchau Elder Deakin Oh one last thing one of the best advice you have given me is just keep smiling...even when it's the fakeist it still helps so much to just keep smiling! :) so when your having a bad day just put on a smile :) So he's still not done so I will write more ha. So in the back of the portuguese bible there is spaces for notes but it doesn't have a topical guide so I borrowed a paper with alot of topics and wrote them all there. It's pretty cool now. I'm going to go through and mark the ones that I really like. So it's August you are probably getting ready to start school for Cambria and thinking about the trip to Park City! That sounds really fun. When I get back we need to go on a trip somewhere haha. I'm still undecided if I want you to come pick me up or not. Here in this area there really isn't anything to see. I think it would be cooler to return during the World Cup because the stadium would be done and there would be alot of things to do. But that's down the road a ways. I'm really excited for General Conference. You guys should go and I will try to spot you in the crowd! For the Fourth of July I saw President Kirkland. It was awesome. But one of my favorite things to study is the Liahona. It is full of wonderful stories that really help me! Oh scripture of the week. Alright so we will do two this week because I really like them both. 1. Matt. 10:16 talks about missionary work. I just remembered I used this last week so 2. Matt. 10:32-34 The first two 32-33 go well together. That we need to remember that we have a testimony and with that testimony we have a responsibility! Then in 34 comes the cannons ha. Our message as Latter Day Saints isn't to bring peace to those that are living without the goespel, not to tell them they are's to say arreppenda-se (repent)!! and open your eyes to the Lord for only if we change and live our lives with his teachings we will be saved!! This is my message :) I Love You All!