
Welcome to Elder Britten Deakins Blog! This blog will follow him as he seves the Lord the next 2 years. His sister Cambria is the editor and is doing this for her young women project. We hope you will enjoy keeping up with Britten as he begins his Brazillian Viagem (journey). Any questions or comments you can can write his mom, Tami at!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Grandpa & Grandma Deakin  Thanks again for the letters and the cartoon clippings.  I don't have any other missionary in my house that speaks english and they aren't as funny translated, but I sure do enjoy them.  I heard you guys are getting alot of snow this week!  That's good you'll will need the water here in 2 months.  So you probably heard but I got transfered to an area called Sao Francisco, it's inside the state of Acre.  So I had to take a 3 hour plane to get here ha so I'm a little off the beaten path...but I love it here.  Best top 3 things:  1.  They have CJ5!  Jeeps for real!  Way Cool!  2.  The members/investigators give us food w/each lesson we have so I'm not passing hungry. 3.  My comp/the house we live in is by far the best so far.  Really clean, easy to clean, almost a real house!  The other houses weren't very good ha.  The Councelor in the Stake Pres. has a fish farm so he invited us to go fishing so when we go I'll show you how to catch a big fish!  But I hope everything is good there and hope to hear from ya soon!  Tchau Elder Deakin  Oh also I have some music from pioneers and in there is names of some people.  One was Ann Deakin Mill I was wondering if you know her story.
February, 2012
The Griswalds! Oh Deakins!  Hey how is it going?  This week was good.  We finally got a wedding taken care of just not the baptism yet but she's good so I'm not too worried.  So I got the package w/the photos and clip from Holly.  I sent her a thank you.  Also got a card w/ideas about what to write haha!  Cambrias starting golf.  That's cool just remember swing relaxed.  Girls always try too hard, just relax.  Holly said Annalisa won the photo contest for Grolls that's cool.  Oh also got a really cool Christmas card w/dancing lights!  Way Cool!!!  So hows the presidency?  Everybody tells me Mitt is winning but nobody here knows about government, so I don't trust them ha. But also I wont/didn't send the memory card today because Elder Helama wants to copy some of them.  Also Da Cunha called me saying he got the package and he will write to ya.  He said thank you alot.  But I think that's it for today!  Have a great week.  I love you all!  Tchau!  Elder Deakin